(urth) Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 07:51:16 PST 2011

Marc Aramini wrote (16-11-2011 15:29):
> I don't know what you are saying here Antonio.

Isn't it clear? I'm pointing out an objective, textual way to determine who 
is who. It's one thing to posit that a part of Horn went into Babbie because 
that helps us make sense of the story, another to find mechanistic
corroboration for it. It's one thing to notice Babbie springs to defend
Hide, another to demosntrate why it can't be [just] Babbie. And along with
that, a way to gauge how much of Horn is still present in the Rajan at
various times later on. Does someone have the time to go through all the
dream sequences to establish that? It might be useful to know, in order to
understand his motivations.

('Objective' doesn't mean uber-cool. It means anyone can apply the same 
method and get the same result.)
('Textual' doesn't mean superior. It means we'll be taken wherever applying 
the method to the text takes us, not the other way round.)

> Babbie is not just a hus in Rttw because he's carrying Horn.  Yes, that
> is the opening of BtLS where SILK catches the ball.  He's Silk again,
> just Silk in denial.

I don't know about denial. He's not just Silk, at least not until the very
end. And what with Seawrack joining them, it becomes murkier still. What
have Silk and Seawrack got to do with one another?

«You were their best player, Patera. It wouldn't have been fair to them if
you hadn't played as well as you can.» Horn glanced over his shoulder at
Maytera Rose's open door. «I have to go now. Thanks, Patera»

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