(urth) Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 20:20:19 PST 2011

No dia 16/11/2011, às 03:48, James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>> You might be right. But I don't really think you appreciate why it bothers me. Why doesn't the Rajan say good-bye to Seawrack, or Pig, or any of the other people he has met on his travels? Why only to Horn's family? I can think of two reasons, but I'm not inclined to pick them up unless I can comfortably dispose of Marc's substantial explanation: We are being signalled that (in some way) Horn is dying at this point in the story.
>> António Pedro Marques wrote:
>> There's the pedestrian explanation that Horn's family are the ones he had set out to rejoin. The others were completely past at that point.
> That's worse than pedestrian. It's not even trying. There's no evidence that he is in any hurry to get back to Lizard Island.

There's the cartloads of times he mentions Horn's family as the ones he hopes, or not, to see again. Not only that time. 

> Does it ever say he looks somewhat like Horn in while in dream-travel? It really tells us nothing that he merely doesn't look exactly like Silk. We already know that it isn't just Horn and Silk in there.

Hide dwells on it.

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