(urth) Violet=Plutonium

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Mon Nov 14 12:52:46 PST 2011

On 11/14/2011 3:26 PM, Sergei SOLOVIEV wrote:
> Sergei Soloviev:
> The discussion about "Violet = Plutonium" went quite far, but I think
> again this guess (that she is a chem) is hardly supported by the text.
> The idea that she is an agent of Trivigauntis is not supported either.
> "EftLS" ("Lovers"). Chenille calls Orchid via monitor:
> "... I need a favor, only there'll be something for you. Maybe a card. 
> Maybe more."
> "... you see the mort in doss in the next room? She's the 
> Trivigaunti's generalissiomo.
> Her name is Siyuf."
> "... I got to bet the hoof. Is Violet riding pretty light?"
> "... Siyuf likes tall dells, she would've given me five easy.... 
> Violet ought to get more
> if she soaps her. Tell her to come uphill and play spoons, tell Siyuf 
> she's my pal ..."
> " Only I get half."
> "EftLS" (I'm Auk")
> Chenille calls Silk to the "Ermine's".
> (Violet told her where Silk and Hyacinth are.)
> "... so I talked to Violet some myself (after she was with Siyuf)."
> "So it pops out that Trivigauntis caught a flier..."
> "Only you didn't know they killed three, did you? Three fliers. That's 
> what Siyuf
> said, Violet says."
> "... Violet figured it might be good to know where this flier was. You 
> know,
> something somebody might pay to know."
> "... And Violet spilled something about me and Auk, Patera, just 
> making conversation,
> she says, with Siyuf. She says as soon as she said Auk's name Siyuf 
> wanted to know all
> about him. ... Violet think Auk's mixed with this flier somehow, and 
> now the Trvigauntis
> are looking for him..."
> Does it look as if she is an agent of Trivigauntis?  It is just "call 
> girl" who
> does her work and wants her piece of cake.
> Does it look as if she is a chem? To deceive Chenille, Orchid, other 
> girls?
> No chems visiting Orchid!
> We have again a hotly discussed theory based
> on scant evidence. : (
> If we look at the Sand's visit to Siyuf:
> "a tall and strikingly handsome brunette in a diaphanous gown peered 
> out.  (It is Violet.)
> 'Hi. You want to see Generalissimo Siyuf?'"
> "You got it, Plutonium"
> ...
> "The handsome young woman nodded. 'Close enough, Soldier. I'm Violet."
> "Sergeant Sand, pleased."
> ...
> "Leaning over Violet's shoulder, Hammerstone ponted with a finger 
> thrice the size
> of hers.
> 'I don't really read so good', she whispered. 'What's that second 
> word? It can't - Sweetheart,
> there's a Chenille in here. Is that the Chen we know?"
> I would think the chems are not illiterate. Violet calls Hammerstone 
> sweetheart -
> but it doesn't mean he is a Bio. I think Wolfe merely renders the 
> style of
> chat - both of Violet and soldiers.
> Later Sand says (about Bison and Mint) : "Colonel Bison's General 
> Mint's man. If she
> says spit oil, he says how far?" Does it mean that Bison is a chem?? 
> Again just
> argot (soldiers style).
> "As Abanja face faded to gray, Violet murmured, 'I'd help if I could, 
> only -'
> 'Sure, Plutonium.' Slinging his slug gun, Sand stooped, grasped an 
> astonished Siyuf about
> the waist..."
> Sand is able to be sarcastic, ne c'est pas?
> I really think that many of the theories we discuss here are
> like skyscrapers built on sand
> All the best
> Sergei Soloviev

Well, not entirely. First, we are not building skyscrapers but rather 
imagining what they might look like and how they might be built. I don't 
think Violet is a chem either, but if not, why not?

Second, as an employee of Orchid's---and a big girl to boot, "second 
tallest" in fact---Violet is already a spy suspect before she happily 
gets into bed with Siyuf. Having her be a chem too probably complicates 
the situation too much.

Violet calling Hammerstone "sweetheart" means little in a prostitute. 
Calling someone you know by a completely different name---one that 
violates the known naming conventions, as "Plutonium" does---is a little 

Good point about Violet being illiterate though---if she's not faking it.

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