(urth) vanished people=Hieros

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Fri Nov 11 10:23:10 PST 2011

On 11/11/2011 12:58 PM, Lee Berman wrote:
> The Omar Kayaam quote appears a few pages from the very end of a 5 book series about the New Sun.
> The original translator seems to think it means the sun. The sun is round, like a stone and it
> does wash away the stars in the morning. I don't see the difficulty in understanding the sun
> reference. After all this discussion, is the idea that it might be the sun and not be Venus be so
> impossible to consider? Or is this simply a battle where not an inch may be openly ceded to the
> enemy?

What I don't understand is in what sense you mean "be" the sun. It's a 
poem. I don't think it meaning needs to be nailed down, nor did Khayyam 
write it for Wolfe's text. Certainly Venus is not able to hide stars, 
but it does herald the sun itself, which is and does.

Furthermore, the sun can't rise twice: if it is Morning who comes, then 
the stone is the sun flung by it; if it is the sun who comes, then the 
stone is not the sun but something else. So if the stone is the sun then 
where is the New Sun? It's already there. What is the Morning of BotNS? 

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