(urth) This week in Google alerts

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 3 16:06:16 PDT 2011

>> I'm beginning to incline to the 'just a prophet' view, because of the
>> 'aspects of the Outsider' passage in OBW. These 'aspects' seem to be
>> people through whom the Outsider reveals himself, and they are treated
>> as if they are all equal in signficance, which would be odd if there
>> was a person in that world who actually _was_ the Outsider, made
>> manifest. Admittedly this is just the Rajan's view of things, so may
>> be wrong; on the other hand, it is confirmed by the many voices which
>> Silk hears during his enlightenment, which the Rajan identifes with
>> the aspects.
> I'm inclined to this too, but why would Silk have visions of a man with
> no extraordinary link to the Outsider? Clearly this Jesus was at least
> an "aspect" or "host" of the Outsider (though the O doesn't seem to
> possess people quite the way the other gods do).

He would have to be a form of the Outsider, and it's possible that he
was the first. Also, we aren't told about everything Silk sees, so he
may have seen lots of other forms of the Outsider which we don't know

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