(urth) This week in Google alerts

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 3 15:51:01 PDT 2011

Gerry Quinn wrote;

> The Catholic interpretation of God already includes several aspects, equal in significance.

Actually I got that slightly wrong; the term the Rajan uses is
'forms', not 'aspects'. The term 'aspect of the Outsider' is used, I
think, only in the glossary, where Quadrifons is called that - though
as the Rajan calls him a form, the terms are presumably equivalent.

Anyway, yes, certainly Christianity recognises aspects of God which
are of equal significance - but the forms of the Outsider in the _Sun_
cycle would seem to be people through whom he has spoken or acted -
Kypris and Severian are our clearest examples - and there are
thousands of them.

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