(urth) Pike/Oreb

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Sat Nov 5 15:58:06 PDT 2011

Haing now reread the pasage, I am still worried about Oreb. it's his
presence, presumably, that is the signal that 'Pike' is actualy a
time-travelling Rajan - if it were not for that he might be many
things, an actual ghost, a vision produced by the Outsider, even a
time-travelling PIke. But Oreb is not actually with Pike; he flies out
of the window some time before Pike appears. And I remain unconvinced
that it is Oreb, Silk sees him at the moment of waking, in the dark,
through a curtain. In those circumstances he might mistake almost
anything that flies for Oreb. I don't think we've ruled out the
possibility that it's Quetzal.

I also wonder what Mucor is doing there. We have _three_ ghostly
visitors to Silk's house; one feels there should be a connection
between them. Silk later speculates that Mucor summoned Pike, though
he's very likely wrong. In any case, I don't see how Mucor can be
fitted into the time-travel story.

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