(urth) Pike/Oreb

David Stockhoff dstockhoff at verizon.net
Thu Nov 3 17:34:35 PDT 2011

On 11/3/2011 6:54 PM, James Wynn wrote:
> I have some suspicions. They are are beyond my ability to even argue 
> them. They just seem to fit on the overall horizon. I believe that Don 
> Doggett was on track in his theory that Severian was in some way a 
> descendent/relative to Typhon and Ymar. He was wrong at certain 
> points, I think, but his concept was valid.  I think members of 
> Typhon's family (such as it is) are to be found all over the Sun 
> Cycle. What is missing is a valid tree and the role each plays. 

I suspect this as well, based on others' theories that have opened my eyes.

I think however that the tree will always remain as obscure as the 
family tree of any god/gods. Gods seem to have multiple 
fathers/mothers/offspring and these change depending on the story or the 
teller. And after all, once you discover everything there is to know 
about a god, he/she's not really a god anymore. Just another 
species/monster/genetic freak!

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