(urth) Pike's ghost

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 10:51:35 PST 2011

On 11/30/2011 12:16 PM, António Pedro Marques wrote:
> If you think
> the archives are full of theories challenged because they have simpler
> alternatives, I think perhaps you might reread them.

That is in no way how I have described the challenges.
However, you have _perfectly_ described the way that an unenlightened** 
challenger (such as I have been describing) sees his own challenges. HIS 
alternative is "simpler". Of one's own alternatives are /always/ 
simpler: Either it does not require a recognition of irony in the text 
or it does not leave problematic questions hanging or something else. It 
is the failure to understand that marks one's approached as 
unenlightened. I'm sure no one creates theories out of a perverse glee 
for Rube Goldberg constructions.

**"Unenlightened" is a term you, Antonio, originally coined. I'm merely 
adopting it so we can use the same terms.

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