(urth) Pike's ghost

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 09:12:06 PST 2011

>>>> Why do you believe enlightenment came to Patera Silk in the ball 
>>>> court?
>>> Because the text says so.
>> Dan'l Danehy-Oakes wrote:
>> Which means that Horn and Nettle say so. To what extent may we rely
>> upon their interpretation of this event?
> António Pedro Marques wrote:
> And to what extent may we rely on their assertion that they wrote LS?
> And to what extent may we rely on their actual existence?
> Come to think of it, it may well be the case that all those stories 
> are the product of someone's imagination.

Antonio, what do you suppose the point was in having Horn and Nettle 
write the story as opposed to an omniscient third-person narrator?

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