(urth) Babbiehorn?: Was: a sincere question mostly for roy

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 07:53:49 PST 2011

On 11/16/2011 9:07 AM, Marc Aramini wrote:
> You guys are not mentioning the prophecy: I see you, Horn, riding a beast with 3 horns (2 tusks and one soul of Horn)

That might be the meaning of the prophecy.  Or the prophecy might mean 
more (tusks, by strict definition, are not horns).
But it doesn't mean that the Rajan has been suddenly purged of whatever 
"Hornyness" he had. Think of it like Scylla-in-Oreb.
Scylla is being or has been wiped from the Mainframe, but she continues 
to live in Oreb because BEFORE SHE WAS WIPED she entered Oreb.
Because Babbie is a psychic beast, Horn was absorbed into Babbie while 
Horn still lived. And he continues to be there.

It doesn't require a "purging" of Horn from the Rajan...and, in fact, I 
argue that all that is left of Horn is the Neighbor-Horn's memory of his 

> And it explains the tone change in the end of OBW, and why at the end of that book it finally says, I CAUGHT THE BALL, I WON THE GAME - he is finally Silk again, though Silk in denial.

Silk has been back for some time. There are lots of times on the Whorl 
that he remembers things from Silk's life. But remember that at this 
point in the story WE DON'T KNOW THAT YET.  We don't know that Horn has 
already "found" Silk. This the big final reveal of the volume. It is a 

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