(urth) do the Hierogrammates *care* about the megatherians?

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Thu May 26 06:53:13 PDT 2011

No dia 25/05/2011, às 19:59, Lee Berman <severiansola at hotmail.com> escreveu:
>> I feel no need to mock you
>> Antonio- Should we assume it's been unintentional the dozen odd times you've seemed to 
>> try it before?
> Perhaps I should have said "mock your intelligence". I am not by nature a mocking or sarcastic 
> sort of person. My guess is that any disparaging remark made by me toward Gerry has been in regard 
> to his mean spirit not his intelligence.

I think this list is ripe with people who like to mock others. I don't like that. But it may be my twisted impression. I try to think it is. I don't really distinguish between different types of mockery. Twisted impression or not, I wish it went away. 

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