(urth) do the Hierogrammates *care* about the megatherians?

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon May 23 15:14:38 PDT 2011

James Wynn wrote:
>> pinlighter wrote:
>>> Um, has it been mentioned that " Mowgli" is supposed to mean "frog"??
>> Nobody denied that there are elements of the Book of the Jungle in the
>> story; the question is whether they're anything more than scenic.
> Confirmation bias.
> It doesn't fit with what I expected, therefore it is invisible.

What is invisible? The near 1:1 correspondence with Romulus's story to you, 
because you don't want it to be the single most important part of it, 
because it wasn't what you expected, so you have to downplay it as just a 
minor component?

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