(urth) Do the Hierogrammates *care* about the Megatherians?

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Thu May 19 15:21:52 PDT 2011

Gerry Quinn wrote>

> First, I don't think the 'seventeen megatherians' were anything to do with
> Erebus, Abaia etc.  The number doesn't particularly match, but more
> important than that, we have a book called "The Lives of the Seventeen
> Megatherians" which has a somewhat historical feel to it, as if the story of
> the megatherians (whoever they were) is long over, which is not the case of
> the powers currently in the sea.

I think alternatively it might be a work of biology dealing with the
lives of great beasts - the smilodon, the mammoth and so on. I agree
that the megatherians are unlikely to be the sea-monsters, of whom I
think we never hear of more than four.

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