(urth) Wolfe in music?

Daniel Petersen danielottojackpetersen at gmail.com
Mon May 23 12:02:34 PDT 2011

Sharing this for the fun of it:  there's an image drawn from and a direct
quote from Wolfe's short story 'The Detective of Dreams' in the opening
lines of a new song from one of my bands:


On that note:  does anyone know of Wolfe's works being referenced in song
anywhere?  I think I once saw that there was a metal band called Carnifex.
 Pretty cool.

My stuff's more punk rock than metal, so I'm happy to bring Wolfe into that
world - I think he's probably too readily associated with metal or prog
rock, especially BotNS.  Actually, I saw a comment in a thread once that
mentioned that Wolfe was good *despite* being a bit Yngwie Malmsteen. Ha!

Of course, the really hilarious thing is that I highly doubt Gene himself is
into anything remotely like all that!  (Nor was Tolkien, who found his way
into Led Zeppelin and others.)

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