(urth) something awful forum wolfe discussion

Adam Thornton adam at io.com
Mon Jan 31 14:31:16 PST 2011

On Jan 31, 2011, at 4:28 PM, Son of Witz wrote:

> I think bad fantasy art keeps more people away from the genre than bad fantasy films or books.
> I wouldn't touch D&D once I thought the art was corny.  Now I wish I'd practiced dragons and shit a bit more.

Huh.  D&D art is certainly a mixed bag...but David Trampier was astonishingly talented.  Erol Otus did an awful lot of hallucinatory fever-dream paintings that I like too.  Jim Holloway, if you're looking for slightly-cartoonish figures with a lot of eye-pleasing motion, is good.  Jeff Dee usually wasn't bad.

Sure, Sturgeon's Law still applies...but a lot of the Golden Age (say, 1977 to 1984) D&D art was really well done.


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