(urth) Sev's family tree

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Thu Jan 27 18:06:41 PST 2011

>   From: Mr Thalassocrat
>   Viz: Sev colludes with a repugnant alien beast to facilitate the death
> of most of Cadoe's family, leaving Little Sev as the only survivor.
>   Morally, I think, Sev is a cripple. He waxes lyrical about these people
> and their lives, yet constructively colludes in their horrible deaths.
> Later, he does the same thing on a much larger scale.
> The reading seems problematic.  Casdoe chose to leave Severian alone in
> the dark with the alzabo, when she could with little risk have hung a
> light for him.  Doubtless she intended that the alzabo would devour
> Severian and rush off to find his family, leaving her and her own family
> safe.

Is there any real evidence that the alzabo is motivated to hunt by family
in preference to proximity and opportunity?

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