(urth) Mystery of Ascia/Agia

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 22 16:32:42 PST 2011

>Andrew Mason: UOTNS chapter 10 (p. 73 in Orb paperback edition):
>''The heterochthonous worlds must by this time have reshaped humanity
>to conform to their own spheres. On Urth, the mystes know that each
>continent has its own pattern for mankind, so that if people from one
>shift their abode to another,  they will in a short time - fifty
>generations or so - come to resemble the original inhabitants. The
>patterns of other worlds must be yet more distinct; and yet the human
>race would remain human still, I think.'

Thanks Andrew. A very useful quote in trying to understand Wolfe's mind
and intention with regard to humans from other planets vs. alien races
or monsters. 		 	   		  

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