(urth) Summary of the case for Silk as Typhon's clone

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 19 11:04:40 PST 2011

Oh yeah, as far as Mucor goes ... are those dogs she gives birth too the gods of the tunnel or are they different?  Because if she gave birth to the gods that seems to create a bit of an analogy between Echidna, birthing monsters, and Mucor.  And Mucor does say of Echidna, "I know her, she likes me."  Could these embryos be the entire family of Typhon?  Does Mucor giving birth to the gods, possibly, create an analogy between Echidna and herself?  

I don't think so, but I am just trying to rationalize why the tunnel dogs are called gods and why Mucor gave birth to them.


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