(urth) the prime calcula/his citadel and other quotes

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 14:26:09 PST 2011

> Gerry Quinn wrote-
> And while narrators can be unreliable, you'd expect a hint or two with 
> regard to the direction of this. I suppose, however, that some 
> incidents towards the end do indicate that Horn is less than au fait 
> with Silk's state of mind, so we can't rule it out.

See my comment to Roy about why to have an unreliable narrator.

> There's also no obvious reason for Mint not to say anything.  But that 
> being said, it's not just Horn and Mint. There are others who know 
> Silk, and might reasonably be expected to know what Pas looked like: 
> Kypris certainly knows, and doesn't mention it either, but of course 
> she could be lying.
> Nobody in Mainframe mentions it, but I guess Pas's face could have 
> been forgotten there too.
> Nobody notices a resemblance of Silk to portraits and statues of Pas, 
> but maybe the artists took liberties with these.

Not only did the artists take liberties with his image, it seems far 
more likely than not that the programmers did. Considering the images of 
the rest of the family, why would anyone think anything else.

It's not lying just because Kypris doesn't say anything. She is not, 
merely by not pointing it out, lying. She's made a fruitless attempt to 
give him a non-mystical explanation of possession to no avail. She never 
explained to him the Plan of Pas or even that Pas was dead.

As for the people in Mainframe, they haven't seen anything but the 
images of Pas.

And here, I disagree with Marc about the image of Pas that Silk sees 
when he leaves Mainframe. I have always thought that the reason Silk was 
scanned was because Pas needed supplementing after his resurrection. 
Much of him had been destroyed. Silk's head on Pas' body was something 
new. BUT that leads to another obvious question...WHY was Silk chosen 
for that?

> But here's the killer: when Silk releases Mamelta from her tube, she 
> doesn't give the slightest indication that he looks like Typhon, the 
> ruler of her world.

That's not much of a killer. This one seems pretty obvious. Mamelta was 
a sleeper and all the sleeper had had their memories tweaked like the 
Cargo. She didn't even remember Typhon's real name. To her, he was Pas. 
And when she remembered him, she thought of what they saw in the Sacred 


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