(urth) lameness

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 18 05:36:26 PST 2011

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes wrote:
> Just a fussy point: There is no Demiurge in Christianity. That's a
> Gnostic (and neoPlatonist) concept.

In origin, it's a Platonist concept, introduced by the man himself.
Gnostics and neo-Platonists transformed it in different ways. In
Gnosticism the demiurge is a negative figure, which is a major reason
why Christians tend not to like the term - but in neo-Platonism he is
positive (more or less).

It can also be taken to imply one who creates out of pre-existing
material, while the Christian God is normally taken to create out of

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