(urth) The green man is a fake

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 12:38:24 PST 2011

>>> Lee Berman-
>>> The amount of sunlight hitting the area of human skin is not enough
>>> energty to allow
>>> homeothermy and movement.
> Jeff Wilson-
> Preaching to the choir, though I hadn't posted about this since you 
> were yclept bsharp.

Yes, but one must allow the possibility that artifically manufactured 
algae could leverage the sunlight to get more oomph. Even today, people 
boost the idea of solar energy replacing carbon fuels in all our 
vehicles and homes. They expect this even though after 3.5 billion years 
of evolution no creature that uses a significant amount of energy (like 
say a really lazy alligator) relies on solar energy even primarily. They 
all rely on carbon fuels and --at best-- gain supplementary energy from 
the sun. Yet, hope in technological breakthroughs springs eternal. And, 
this is, after all a sci-fi story.


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