(urth) the prime calcula/ his citadel and other quotes

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Sat Jan 15 13:03:44 PST 2011

Marc Aramini wrote:
> any other color would have been insignificant.  But blue and black are the
same colors as Kypris, and Silk's blue eyes are well documented as rare.
p670 of Epiphany:
> "You don't look like her.  Like Chenille.  ... your eyes are blue, but
hers are brown."  Almost no one in Viron has blue eyes like Silk,

Ahem. This is what Silk had to say about blue eyes:

"You see, blue eyes are unusual--here in Viron, at any rate; but they're by
no means really rare. Collect a hundred people, and it's quite likely that
at least one will have blue eyes." (LAKE, chap. 5, 130) [As always, unless
otherwise specified, the page numbers I give are for the original edition.]

There are more than five-hundred-thousand people in Viron. That works out to
at least five-thousand people in Viron who have blue eyes, and Viron is only
one of at least two-hundred cities in the LSW. Chenille knew of two girls at
Orchid's who had blue eyes. Hell, Potto had "bright blue eyes" and "hair so
light as to be nearly blond." (EXODUS, chap. 1, 24) And blue eyes would
probably have been quite common in whatever city in the LSW that the people
of Dorp came from.


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