(urth) the prime calcula/his citadel and other quotes

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Sat Jan 15 10:35:30 PST 2011

From: "Marc Aramini" <marcaramini at yahoo.com>
> Also this, while i look for the quotes where Kypris evades the
> question about the impossibility of Pas killing her.
> "Pas, whose Plan the Outsider had endorsed, was dead" ...
> "The monarch wanted a son to succeed him," the false Lemur
> had said.  (208, epiphany of the long sun)
> Here we see that the Outsider has supposedly endorsed Pas'
>  plan and that the monarch wanted a son, and this is repeated
> several times in the text, about the monarch wanting an heir.
 >  The text right after that says why all Pas' legitimate children
> were bad and unsuitable for his desires.  And yes, I do think
> the place where the embryo's were kept was the citadel of Pas,
> as I feel Silk is most certainly his genetic son.

That's a pretty abstract sense for 'citadel'.  And how does "prime calcula-" 
fit in?  It's hard to know what Echidna is talking about exactly, but the 
simplest interpretation seems to be that she is referring to the killing of 

In favour of your argument is the possibility that the embryo storage 
station was attacked, perhaps even by Echidna possessing the dead foreign 
chem soldier who was found by Silk and Mamelta.  But this seems a bit 
speculative; the place could just have been trashed by looters looking for 
something in particular.  Indeed, you'd expect a cleaner job if the object 
was to destroy a targeted embryo.

> The only stopping
> point that makes me ponder if indeed Mr. Wynn is correct in
> cloning is where Silk see's his own face on Typhon at the end.
> The four people he sees in his enlightenment are Tussah his
> adopted father, Tussah's lover his mother, the original of Kypris
> (probably Mamelta from the blue eyes/black hair connection
> and other maternal clues scattered throughout) and Pas/Typhon,
 > the blue eyed monarch who has set up this whorl so that his son
> Silk may succeed him.
> "it its place stood a bronze-limbed man with rippling muscles and
> two heads.  One was Silk's" ( p678)

I interpret this simply as Kypris's representation of Silk as Pas.

>  but i think this rather means that
> Silk has taken his father's place than that he is genetically identical
> because of all those mother is kypris is mamelta bits, where clearly
> Kypris the goddess of love is Pas' lover and Silk's mother, even
> though she tries really hard to get Silk to incorporate her as lover
> as well.  Just my take, and that's why I feel like the first words
> spoken by Mamelta are NOT Mucor, later, when Mucor speaks
> through Mamelta, it is with hyphens between every word, as if broken,
> saying that she knows Mamelta and Mamelta likes her.

But the hyphenation only starts after Mucor (in the body of Mamelta) runs 
around the place and is gasping for breath.  Mucor doesn't normally speak 
like that.

And we know Mucor was present from the beginning because she woke Mamelta 
up, as she has done with other sleepers who are now dead.

- Gerry Quinn

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