(urth) Recent human crash-landing on Sainte-Anne

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Fri Jan 7 17:45:03 PST 2011

From: "Andrew Mason" <andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com>

> Two things that might support the 'recent landing' theory at least if
> 'A Story' is taken as basically factual. One is the names Atlantis,
> Gondwanaland,etc., which certainly were not used in Atlantis or
> Gondwanaland; these are names that modern people might come up with if
> they want to think of themselves as ancient. The other, which I find
> really striking, is the name 'John'. I can't see why prehistoric
> people, or those influenced by them, would call themselves John. (I
> think this tends,as well, to support the view that the Shadow Children
> are the incomers and the Free :People the natives.It's hard to see why
> a race of humans, who presumably had different names when they
> arrived,  would decide they would all be called John or Mary; a race
> of shapeshifters imitating humans might do so, if those were the names
> of the first humans they met. But I'm less sure of this.)

While I agree that they are the natives, I don;t think the John/Mary thing 
is very strong, as it could be a sort an equivalent of mister/missus, or 
like some sort of saint's name that everyone gets. They all have other given 
names anyway.   In other words, I can easily imagine a human society that 
does this.

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