(urth) interview questions

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 7 12:50:12 PST 2011

>Dan'l Danahy-Oakes: This is a forced and false dichotomy. It is possible for Gerry to
>believe you are wrong without believing you are stupid.
I disagree. When you tell someone else they are wrong it means you either think they are: 
1. ignorant- i.e. they do not have access to the full range of information necessary 
2. stupid- i.e. they do not have sufficient brain power to use the information correctly
Perhaps you are suggesting Gerry doesn't mean to label others globally, just on a certain
point of contention. I can accept this. But the fact remains calling someone else "wrong"
is a designation of inferiority, even if only in limited scale.
As most people using normal social discourse understand, there are ways of disagreeing with
other people which still show a full measure of respect for their knowledge and intelligence.


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