(urth) Mythic Women in BotNS

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 12:38:24 PST 2011

>> Antonio Pedro Marques: Funny, remember who else carries a stuff with a head in it?
> Do you mean Silk and his vine? Good call!

I thought he was referring to Silk with his cane and a lion's head.

> BTW, aside from grapes and vines and wine, Dionysus was known for carrying a staff.

Still, it is not a given that the signage Wolfe used for New Sun/Urth 
Sun could not be used in a different manner in Long Sun/Short Sun. 
Obviously, associations with Dionysus in Long Sun/Short Sun makes 
perfect sense. The importance of Dionysus to the story is overtly and 
covertly expressed. On the other hand, while associating Inire with Pan 
and Faunus is not a _huge_ leap, associating Inire with Dionysus is an 
extrapolation, right?

> It was called a "thyrsus". Made of fennel, usually wrapped in vines and topped with
> a pine cone. Isn't there a cryptic reference to fennel somewhere in Short Sun?

Quetzal carried a "baculus" which is a staff with a "head".


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