(urth) Mystery of Ascia/Agia

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 20 14:25:25 PST 2011

.Son of Witz wrote:

> North Americans could very well be Asian by the time of the story.

But each country has (allegedly) a natural type to which the people
living in it conform after twenty generations or so. So even if North
Americans are descended from people who now live in Asia, they
shouldn't look Asian.

> Clearly, these stand-ins for the "Godless Communists" embodied in Wolfe's life by the asians he combatted.

Could be - but I don't think that means they have to have Asian
physical features.

> Isn't Halavard from the Xanthic lands? He seems Scandinavian.

Don't think so - he's from the Southern islands (which really exist in
South America). If he were from the Xanthic lands you wouldn't expect
him to be fighting for the Commonwealth.

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