(urth) the prime calcula/his citadel and other quotes

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 19 07:35:46 PST 2011

--- On Wed, 1/19/11, António Pedro Marques <entonio at gmail.com> wrote:

> - Why would Silk realising to have Pas's face (he doesn't
> even know what a clone is) make him suicidal? And we're
> talking about a guy who considers taluses to be people.

No, this has little to do with Silk being suicidal, it is the small lies and betrayals of the people and things he thought he could trust. (Marble not really being Molybdenum unless those parts she took from Rose were originally Moly's, for example, or Hy and the fat female general, or Kypris having a hand in what he thought was purely a vision from the Outsider - those are the little things that have added up to make him suicidal, before the death of Hy finally reawakens that old tendency.


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