(urth) Appearance of the Gods

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 05:41:27 PST 2011

> Lee Berman-
> Pas appears as two-headed
> in the window. Kypris is a beauty. Echidna is snake-haired I think. Scylla, snakey too?
> So my question is, why? Why do they look like that? I don't have a clear answer in mind so I
> was interested in the opinions of others. 		 	   		

Are you looking for practical reasons? I'm not sure there are any.
To some extent, they draw their appearance from monsters whose name they 
bear, but not especially. To a large extent, there's a tip of the hat to 
the Olympians they parallel. As as demonic version of Hera, Echidna is 
associated with the Python that encircles the Earth. Molpe, the demonic 
Athene, is crazy as opposed to wise and is more a version of the gorgon 
whose stretched out face embellished Athene's shield. Scylla is the 
demonic Poseidon and very similar to the Storm King. Actually, Scylla 
_does_ have a practical reason for her looks. She's a follower of the 
Megatherian Scylla, and I guess chooses her appearance based on that.


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