(urth) the prime calcula/his citadel and other quotes

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 19:01:17 PST 2011

On 1/18/2011 8:52 PM, Gerry Quinn wrote:
> You misunderstand me.  I wasn't talking about hints that Silk might be 
> a clone of Typhon.

How much of the text are you willing to ignore? I mean the part that 
Wolfe actually wrote.

> What I'm saying is that if he is in fact such a clone, there must be a 
> grand conspiracy between everyone who knows both their faces to hide 
> it, and ther is no hint of such a grand conspiracy. But as for your 
> point above, I think the bronze-skinned man is a representation of how 
> an uploaded Silk would be part of Pas.  It says nothing about Silk's 
> genealogy.  It's about the future, not the past. 

And why Silk? Out of everyone in the Whorl? Why not Auk? He's the 
prophet. Why not Horn? Why not someone from a village closer to Mainframe?


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