(urth) some mysterious stuff in Long Sun Auk/Silk

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 18 06:12:09 PST 2011

Marc Aramini wrote:

> Echidna's desire to have Auk seems like he is very important to her,

Possibly Echidna has been spying on Tartaros, and knows that he has
chosen  Auk to help him carry out the plan of Pas.  What tbhis doesn't
explain, of course, is why she confuses Villus with Auk.

>and his mission to capture Hyacinth (Kypris?) seems like a case of mistaken identity (was he supposed to capture some other woman?  Who? Mamelta is the only other woman who matches her description somewhat, already dead, unknown to ... whoever?).

Tartaros says 'Go to the woman. You must protect her. A woman is
vital. This is not'. Auk looks around for Chenille, but she has
disappeared. He then runs out and grabs Hyacinth, since he has been
told that a woman is vital, and she is the only woman to hand. It's
not mistaken identity as such, though in  a way he has taken her in
mistake for someone else.

I think it's fairly clear that Tartaros does mean Chenille. His words
show that while he has a particular woman in mind, she is important
becuase she is a woman. This makes sense if it's Chenille - Auk is
going to start a new colony, so needs a potential partner with whom he
can have children. Later, when recruiting his old mates for the
expedition, Auk says that every man must bring a woman and every woman
a man.

> Is Auk just as important to the family of Pas as Silk is?  Since he can see, he is clearly not the blind son of Typhon.

He may be a son of Tartaros (by sperm donation). When Tartaros leaves
him, he weeps because he has never had anyone to think of as a

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