(urth) the prime calcula/his citadel and other quotes

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes danldo at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 13:42:44 PST 2011

Roy C. Lackey wrote:

> That quote is from the end of chapter 15 of EXODUS, p-346, when Silk was
> shown an image on the airship's glass. That image was almost certainly
> photoshopped to show him what Kypris wanted him to see -- Silk's head on
> Pas/Typhon's body. My point here is that only one of the two heads he was
> shown looked like his own. So there are two possibilities. Silk saw his own
> head and Pas' head, or Silk saw his own head and Piaton's head. If Silk saw
> his own head and Pas' head, then he does not look like Pas.

Contrariwise, if the two faces seen are Silk's and Piaton's, then
Silk's may _be_ Piaton's -- the passage in question could easily
support the theory that Silk is a clone of Pas.

Naturally, the devout Silk would not have previously noticed any
resemblance between himself and the Father of the Gods.

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes

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