(urth) prime calcula/his citadel and other quotes

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 15 14:28:32 PST 2011

Marc Aramini wrpte:

.  And yes, I do think the place where the embryo's were kept was the
citadel of Pas,

One thing that worries me a bit is that if the place the embryos are
kept is _the_ citadel of Pas, it's not clear why it would be under
Viron. If there are special embryos of whorlwide significance, I would
expect them to be kept at Mainframe. Now, I can see scenarios in which
an embryo from mainframe might get to Viron; but given that there was
a store of embryos under Viron, and it has been raided, the natural
conclusion is that Silk came from there.

I don''t see it as improbable that Silk is just one of many embryos
with exceptional skills, provided to all the cities as potential
leaders at the time of the exodus. This doesn't rule out his being
Pas's son. It would, I think, be utterly typical of Typhon to think
that the best way to provide his cities with exceptional leaders is to
father them all. (If, as Crane suggests, they are fertilised in vitro,
he doesn't actually need to meet all their mothers.)

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