(urth) This Week in Google Alerts: story with Gaiman

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 05:25:45 PST 2011

Gerry Quinn wrote (21-02-2011 13:05):
> From: "António Pedro Marques" <entonio at gmail.com>
>> Gerry Quinn wrote:
>>> I other words I think:
>>> <Terminus Est> : <Sev's language> :: Latin : English
>>> <language Thea mentions> : <Sev's language> :: <really ancient language>
>>> : English
>> I suppose : means 'is to', :: means 'as' and <> are just paretheses?
>> If so, it took me a while to figure it out.
>> I would suggest avoiding >.
> There is, or used to be, a mathematical notation that says:
> a : b :: c : d
> meaning
> a is to b as c is to d.
> It is used originally for ratios, and by analogy for comparisons,
> synonyms etc.

I was only used to the simpletonish

  a     c
--- = ---
  b     d

I suppose :: is historically related to =, then.

> I used <> to differentiate multiword concepts; I often use angle
> brackets to differentiate some unitary thing from surrounding text but
> perhaps I should rethink if it is not coming across as such.

No, there's nothing wrong with it; it's just that > is prone to be 
interpreted as a quoting character by the software.

> So yes, you got it right. I'll try to be clearer in the future.

I'd probably have gotten it easily if my reader hadn't split the lines.

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