(urth) Are the Neighbors REALLY the Neighbors?

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 11:09:55 PST 2011

>> Ah, yes! I had mentioned that elsewhere, but forgot to mention it here.
>> Moses *does* have horns which is why he and Alexander are called "the two
>> horned ones" in the Koran.
> Well, no; Moses does _not_ have horns; that is a mistranslation of the
> passage that actually says his face was radiant after spending time
> with G_d on the mountaintop.

Tomayto tomahto. Alexander the Great also didn't _actually_ have horns 
either (and Mars is a farmer not a soldier). The point is that according 
to Islamic and Berber tradition, he and Moses are connected by their 
meeting through the mediation of the Green Man, and in the fact that 
they have horns--even sharing a title "The Two Horned Ones".


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