(urth) Are the Neighbors REALLY the Neighbors?

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 15 05:38:42 PST 2011

>David Stockhoff: My assumption is that even if they are on another plane/dimension/level, 
>they still need a short sun and a spherical lump of rock, gas, and water 
>to live on.
Yes, absolutely. My guess is that the dream-travel phenomenon is travel between two closely
related time strands. So back on the "home planet", beings have to follow all the laws of
the physical universe just as we do.
But when they travel to a close parallel time strand, they have travelled to another universe.
Since the universe is different, some physical laws are no longer followed. But since it is a
very close universe much is also the same.
Neighbors are faerie to Horn and others on Blue. Humans and inhumi are faerie to those they 
visit when they dream travel. I think it is something like that. 		 	   		  

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