(urth) Are the Neighbors REALLY the Neighbors?

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 16:47:21 PST 2011

Jordon Flato wrote:
> (...) What if what we are seeing as neighbors in the books are actually
> dream traveling inhumi who LOOK like neighbors because that is what their
> souls are like, much like an inhumi fed on humanity appears human in
> dream travel? (...)

I see nothing preposterous about it. In fact, the idea is that neighbour-fed
dream-travelling inhumi would be indistinguishable from dream-travelling
neighbours. The problem is that, if we can't tell them apart, we can't tell
if it is so either. It might help if we ever met neighbour-fed
*not*-dream-travelling inhumi, but they can be anywhere the neighbours can.

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