(urth) Scanning Typhon

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 11 04:56:23 PST 2011

>Nick Gevers: It occurs to me that when Typhon's personality was scanned to create Pas, there 
>could have been an accidental--or even deliberate--incorporation of elements of 
>Piaton's mind too. Thus, perhaps, the unexpected (relative) benevolence of Pas 
>and his Plan.
This is an interesting alternate explanation. I think most have been content with the idea that
the benevolence is a result of the principle that we tend to become the role we play. I wonder if
it will appeal to those readers who prefer nuts and bolts explanations over literary ones.
I was trying to think of text evidence of Pas having elements of being a slave. For some reason
the phrase "god of gods, slave of slaves" popped into my head. But I don't even know if this 
phrase is in the Sun series. Is it bibilical? Google and Urth Archives searches were no help. 

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