(urth) First Exodus theory revised

Ashley Crill ash_crill at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 10 20:07:58 PST 2011

>I don't recall Typhon himself expressing any views on robots.Pas is very specifically the god, patron and 'father' of all atomic-powered people. Remember the theophany when Hammerstone is sacrificed. Pas appears in response to the sacrifice of a chem whereas other deities only seem to appear when animals (or people) are sacrificed. he then refers to Hammerstone as "my brave soldier".I think that Pas does consider chems to be real people. Silk certainly does.As far as Silk's parents are concerned, we know the identity of his foster parents, Calde Tussah and his friend. There are two possible reasons why Horn and Nettle don't state the identity of Silk's two biological parents. Either they don't know their identity or it should be obvious based upon the text.I'll try to look for more quotes and clues this weekend.As far as the timing of Pas's plan and the birth of Silk, its quite possible that the Plan was an extended process of scouting and colonizing that was intended to take decades. Silk was intended to lead the city of Viron on an exodus which may have been scheduled to coincide with Silk's adulthood.There could easily have been other 'Silks' for other cities, with original exoduses scheduled at different times.
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