(urth) First Exodus theory revised

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Thu Feb 10 17:43:18 PST 2011

From: "António Pedro Marques" <entonio at gmail.com>
> Gerry Quinn wrote:
>> We also have the issue that Kypris's instincts regarding Silk seem other
>>  than parental.  Now we can allow the Gods a certain license in such
>> matters if we have to, but all the same it is an argument against the
>> theory.
> I don't think it is an argument either for or against. The gods are 
> strange
> enough that nothing can be concluded from it, and incest is not at all
> unexpected in this context, even historically among humans.
> If Silk isn't Typhon and Kypris's son, then there are no candidates for 
> his parents. (This has nothing to do with the question of Kypris being 
> Mamelta or not.)

Like Mucor's, they probably met in a Petri dish.

Now I think of it, Silk had a vision of his biological parents.  Was it the 
Outsider that showed him this, or Mainframe?  Because if it was Mainframe, 
you'd think they must have lived on the Whorl!  I suppose Mainframe could 
have been provided with a database containing such information from Urth, 

- Gerry Quinn

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