(urth) Inhumi in the Whorl

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 08:14:48 PST 2011

>> Is there any reference to the Neighbors having ships?
>> If they have conventional spaceships, why did they have to wait for 
>> the Whorl to leave?
> Well, we know they travelled between planets somehow, and to the 
> Whorl, and perhaps to wherever they live now.  They detected the Whorl 
> as it approached their solar system, and visited it, bringing with 
> them inhumi.  And we know they built great structures on Green.  Why 
> should we not expect them to have spaceships, or at least to be able 
> to make them if needed?

Because (unless someone can identity a Neighbor-ship) the only method of 
travel native to this system is via inhumi.
I mean, if this were a story set in Polynesia in 1550 and some chief 
mentioned colonizing a great continent to the East, would we just ASSUME 
they must have hidden caravels?

> Not sure what you mean about waiting for the Whorl to leave.

Seriously? Their whole civilization on Green was destroyed centuries 
ago, but the Whorl arrives and they say "Here are the keys, Horn, we 
found a way off the planet. S'long."


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