(urth) Merger

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 16:21:04 PST 2011

>> Andrew Mason:Christianity certainly holds that there have been divine appearances
>> in human form.
> Interesting. I was not aware of that (perhaps not being a Christian). Who did God appear as?

Abraham met with God and two angels who told him about the birth of 
Isaac and the destruction of Sodom.

>> It would be odd to use 'God' as a _name_ for the creator in a world where it is assumed (at
>> least in popular religion) that there are many gods.
> Well, I am a bit more focused on BotNS, and as Roy nicely points out, there is a use of "God"
> in that story. But it is associated with the Increate, not the Pancreator. And I think it is
> significant that these two are not necessarily the same in BotNS as they might be in modern
> Christianity.

"Increate" means "not created". "Pancreator" means "creator of all". It 
seems logically inconsistent that these could be separate persons.

> But most Christians aren't so anal about it, and some are quite willing to use the "Jehovah"
> version of it out loud. Wolfe is willing to use a version of it in listing the maker of Terminus
> Est- Jovinian.

Hmmm...that's interesting. Is it understood among Jews that YHWH is a 
Hebrew form of Jove?


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