(urth) Gummed-Up Works or Got Lives?

Gerry Quinn gerry at bindweed.com
Fri Dec 16 12:51:18 PST 2011

From: Lee Berman 

> You seem like a gentle, considerate soul Daniel, which I think is great. But do you 
> believe in the adage, "it takes one to know one"? Gerry and I understand each other very well. 
> I recognize him as a social manipulator and his retort to that is to accuse me of the same.
> Gerry, in his desire to win every debate, cannot admit to this shortcoming but I appreciate
> his honesty in not trying to deny his own mechinations.
You should consider my lack of denial an expression of contempt for the accusations, rather than an admission of malfeasance.  I recognise your tactics, certainly, and occasionally call you on them.  Mostly when you have made baseless accusations against me.

> I freely admit to it. My explicitly stated goal in rejoining this list a couple years ago

> was to restore a sense of freedom of expression, the lack of which had previously stifled the 
> list for a number of years.  I have employed various strategems to achieve this goal. Have I 
> suceeded at all?

Am I to understand from this that you consider that the 
torrent of largely nonsensical “theories” you post here is in some sense for the betterment of the group?  That it encourages others to post equally nonsensical theories, and that this is good?  Candidly, I have always suspected it.  My offence, then, is not so much ‘social manipulation’ so much as making the list a less comfortable environment for nonsense?
- Gerry Quinn
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