(urth) Gummed-Up Works or Got Lives?

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 16 11:48:36 PST 2011

>Sergei Soloviev: I should confess also that I am rather scandalized by accusations 
>addressed to Gerry in neglecting the text - I think the accusers are more guilty in that.

Is it the accusation or the actual fact of not reading the text which scandalizes you? I'm
thinking it is the latter as Gerry's frequent accusations of others not reading the text
have not apparently not scandalized you. In my opinion, we have all read the text, we all
have varying interpretations and we all have memory lapses. Accusations of not reading the
text seems an echo of some college professor lecturing his delinquent students. I would be
happy if such accusations cease.
>Larry Miller: And Conan being a cheap comic book derivative? Come on!

Now, Larry :- ). That was a mea culpa on my part. My introduction to Conan was from Marvel 
Comic Books. They were okay but not my favorite. I had no interest in the Schwarzenegger
movie. I was pleased to find the online reference which supported Antonio in his perception
of Conan as the prototype of S & S. I just didn't know!
>Andrew Mason: West is certainly a good direction. North less so - in the first age
>material the North is the seat of evil (and it's not Tolkien's fault that wasn't published 
>first). By the time of LOTR the region has been devastated.

Good observation, Andrew! Yes, the Silmarillion is quite clear about the history of the North.
Some have likened Sauron as allegory to the Germans (both WWI and II I guess). Is it possible
the Silmarillion stuff was inspired in part by the devastation of the Norse barbarians to the 
British Isles? They did more damage there than the Germans ever did. (okay, 'fess up. Who here
is a red head ;- )) 		 	   		  

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