(urth) Wolfean epiphany
David Stockhoff
dstockhoff at verizon.net
Fri Dec 2 13:59:47 PST 2011
Thinking about how "fair" Wolfe was in writing UNS to explain all the
things readers missed in BNS, something occurred to me regarding Apheta,
who seems impossible to predict:
We already had a clear clue that Sev was to meet Apheta and mate with
her and produce the New Sun---that is, that the New Sun would be
procreated, not created. I doubt anyone saw it. That clue is that the
Old Autarch failed and was unmanned.
Why is this a clue to a strange and climactic scene of UNS? Because the
unmanning was not a random punishment. There were surely practical
reasons for it, but I think Wolfean logic demanded it. It's ridiculously
simple. Positive is balanced with negative, presence with absence.
Either you pass and your genitals contribute to a mythic regeneration or
you fail and they no longer exist.
The genitals were the key. We knew the New Sun would result. So (action
A) removal of genitals pointed to the presence of (action B)
procreation. Had the eyes or head been removed, that would have pointed
to creation of the New Sun by means involving the eyes or head.
I don't know if it's possible to apply this principle elsewhere; it
needs other relevant knowledge to provide context. Does the apparent
absence of Severa (her identity not revealed in UNS and therefore either
not important or nonexistent), point to another "obvious" presence
somewhere else? Perhaps a doubled or multiplied Severian?
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