(urth) Pike's ghost

entonio at gmail.com entonio at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 07:16:40 PST 2011

No dia 2011/12/01, às 14:47, "Gerry Quinn" <gerry at bindweed.com>  

> The information we get is that it was ancient, and the decor is  
> described.  Does anyone know if the decor in Typhon’s time is descri 
> bed in Urth (and Typhon’s quarters in the mountains), and whether it 
>  matches the suite?  If not, the information supports only the idea  
> that the suite and its contents are ancient.  On the other hand, if  
> for example chairs were typically used in Typhon’s time, we would kn 
> ow that the suite was furnished long after.

What's the general view on the development of technolgy after Typhon?  
At first sight, it only went downhill from there; could the islands  
left have seen local progress? Either way I don't see those as a  
source of refinements to the Autarchial chambers. 

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