(urth) Drotte-Roche mixup

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 09:01:04 PDT 2011

Looks like I cut my own response. To continue:

"Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that the Roche/Drotte mix-up 
could be a typo and that copyrights and Library of Congress submissions 
being what they are, it is too much trouble to fix it in subsequent 

Or perhaps it is a philosophical issue with Wolfe: "After publication, 
the tree lies where it falls."


On 4/19/2011 9:47 AM, James Wynn wrote:
> Well, in "Exodus of the Long Sun", in chapter 14, "The Best Thieves in 
> the Whorl", page 313 (HB version),
> Siyuf is having a discussion with Mint. Marble is not there.
> A paragraph starts:
> Siyuf looked back to Maytera Marble. "You wish to tell me of the 
> Charter of your city before this man have interrupt you. I find this 
> of interest."
> In "Epiphany of the Long Sun", this typo is repeated.
> There is another typo in the book that does the same thing but I don't 
> need to look it up. It is surely there.
> Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that the Roche/Drotte mix-up c 

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