(urth) god(s) and gods

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 15:41:37 PST 2010

Jack Smith wrote:
> I think "Pas" is a corruption of "Pan", the Greek god of rustic places.
> "Pan" means everything, as in "pandemic" or "pandemonium".  Scylla,
> possessing Chenille, explains about the gods being members of Pas'
> family on Urth and says "with Daddy to be the god of everything--that's
> what his name meant--and boss over everybody."   (LotLS, ch. 11)

A little too straightforward to be true, inn'it?

To this day I haven't found an explanation I like for Pas. At the same time, 
the name makes an enormous amount of sense to me. I can't help thinking 
there must be some obvious association we're missing completely.

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