(urth) Nephilim

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 28 09:57:45 PST 2010

Jerry Friedman wrote:

> Another possibly amusing connection is that if Genesis 6:4 is part of the story
> of Noah, it appears to say that at least some of the Nephilim survived the flood
> (apparently stated explicitly in the apocryphal _Book of Jubilees_).  Now who do
> we know that can live under water?

I would read it as saying that more Nephilim were produced after the
flood. - which would be odd if the Nephilim were the cause of the
flood. (Thers no doubt, though, that this interpretation - that their
fathers were fallen angels, and that they produced the corruption that
led to the flood - goes back a long way, being found in the book of
Enoch, which at least in its original form is pre-Christian.)

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